Information about this website :


About We Inter-Are —

I created these poems for sharing,

I crafted these words for exploring.

I wanted to affirm our good nature,

And share a world most amazing…


Some reflections on interbeing,

On compassion and suffering,

Reflections on various topics,

As well as spontaneous feelings.


To dabble in some awakening,

To discover our discriminations,

To recognise our world of labelling,

Observe our world of impermanence.


It is a chance to reflect on kindness,

On compassion and life’s struggles.

On how we are all deeply connected…

To absolutely everything.


To explore the walls of the mind,

And the barriers of our heart.

How we are not so different after all -

This amazing world of interbeing.


Come explore the nature of words,

And the nature of their meaning.

How the mind runs on endlessly,

Forever swinging , forever moving.


Come and reconnect to nature,

Open our eyes to what is happening.

To hear silent cries of suffering,

From our planet and all beings.


Let us also discover real treasures…

Like our amazing nature of kindness.

Places of love and understanding,

And the joy of mindful breathing.


It is to share with you some gentle steps,

Along flowered paths of awakening.

To take you to dark places of war,

To the place where bombs are falling.


To a land where light is shining,

To many people who are smiling.

To the peace residing within,

To our home of gentle calming.


In these words that are strung together,

Let us go on a fascinating journey.

To a realm that includes all the stars,

To our heart of love and understanding.

— Luan Dinh —